Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just put in some effort!

New teaching strategy is going to be implimented in my weight training and conditioning class. Command style mixed with the recipricol style. Students are taking too long to complete their lifts. There is too much standing around and students are not participating. We will fix this. Students are now going to have designated lifting partners (someone who lifts around the same weight) and students are going to lift in a circuit style with their partners providing feedback and encouragment. They are now going to start at a specific lift, whether it be a core lift or auxilary lift, and they alternate lifting with their partners. They will have approximately 7-8 minutes to complete their 3 sets of x amount of reps. We believe this strategy will help improve their effort and strength while limiting the free time and cutting down the goofing around. Any ideas out their that can help make this transition work smoothly?


  1. It sounds like a good strategy. It is hard to keep a large group busy the whole time. When I was reading this I began to think about a circuit type workout with stations that everyone is predetermined to be at. This way everyone has a station, the people not lifting could be watching for bad technique or technique to change to lift properly and safely. Maybe you could have people take notes on what the lifter did right or wrong for feedback. Nice strategy!

  2. I like this idea. I have always told the students/players that if you are not lifting or spotting, you need to be jump roping, doing the dot drill, crunches, etc.

  3. Throughout this year I have implemented circuit training in my weights classes and have had some tremendous success. I would try and have as many stations as possible to eliminate down time. Circuit training also makes it easier to keep track of workout completion because students should know what they should be doing and they should stay busy the whole period.
