Monday, February 23, 2009

Switch it up!

My cooperating teacher was not here on friday so I took over all of the classes with the sub watching over me. I decided to change the curriculum a little because of such nice weather. Instead of taking the students into the weightroom for fitness training, I decided to take the studnets outside and play ultimate frisbee. They loved it!! Sometimes incoorporating a little change in routine gets the students going. Great day for my first time teaching a full day at the high school level.

1 comment:

  1. Not only did you "switch it up" and get them excited, but you deposited in the student bank.

    The more times you can find to deposit into the student bank, the easier it will be when you need to make a withdrawal from that bank.

    The next time you ask them to do something they may not be excited about, they will do it with no complaints because you have money in the account.
